Knuckle Sandwich
A taunt to instill fear into your enemies.
The download contains two versions of this Action: One plain "safe" version in which the fists do not remotely touch, and the slightly cooler "Knuckle Sandwich X" version which lets the fists lightly tap each other. To account for potential differences in servo calibration, I advise to try the "safe" version first. If there remains about 5mm of space between the knuckles, then the X version will connect with the perfect minimum of force achievable. There is actually more than a centimeter of leeway in the limbs, so neither version will result in damage, but using the X version in combination with skewed servo calibration may result in some wear on the knuckles eventually. There's no sign of wear on mine after 50 tests though, and you can of course cover the knuckles with tape to reduce wear.
The voice line is from Peter Cullen in the Transformers War for Cybertron video game, the background music and sound effects are derived from those present on the robot.
Installation is easy, instructions are included in the zip file.
You get a zip file including two versions of the Action and sound file